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1964-1965 Falcon & Comet Dash Pad Installation Instructions

Dash Pad Preparation

Prior to attempting installation of you new dash pad the following issues need to be addressed:

  1. Remove the windshield garnish moldings.
  2. Remove the sun visor moldings and the A pillar moldings.
  3. Remove the lower dash pad trim molding assembly.
  4. Clean any old adhesive and foam that may be left on the steel dash tray surface.

Dash Pad Installation

It is recommended that the installer place the pad upon the dashboard area, tipping the pad upward to allow visual inspection of the clips and the slots. At this point adjust the pad left or right as needed and adjust the clips laterally to align with the slots.

  1. Do not trim any material from your new pad yet!
  2. Extra material has purposely been left intact around the ends and lower edges of your pad. It is the installer’s responsibility to ensure that he or she does not remove too much material. We highly recommend that the finished trimming is completed at the end of dash installation only. With pressure being applied to the dash pad in a forward direction, start at the passenger side of the vehicle and engage the tip of the first (right hand) clip. Before pressing the first clip completely into the first slot, align the second clip with the second slot. This method allows you to travel across the dash towards the driver side of the vehicle pressing in one clip at a time until all 10 clips are engaged. Use steady pressure downward on the pad while coaxing the clips into the slots. We have found that a second set of hands does help in fitting the clips into the slots. These clips were probably not one of Henry’s better design ideas and it is difficult to maintain the engagement of all 10 clips. It is our experience that multiple attempts are sometime necessary to get 100% clip engagement.
  3. Once the clips have been engaged it is time to focus on the lower garnish molding. Again with mild forward and downward pressure on the pad use a punch or sharp awl to locate the holes that hold the lower garnish clips in place. Keep in mind that if you distort the pad during this locating process that the finished installation will mirror that distortion. Keep the pad as straight horizontally as possible during the locating process. We found that lying on our backs under the dash allowed us to locate the holes in the metal much easier than from above. Again the help of a second set of hands from above comes in handy.
  4. Once all of the holes are located and punched through the vinyl you may then begin installing the lower garnish molding. We started at the center of the pad and worked out way to the ends one lip at a time. With all the clips installed the pad will be protruding from beneath the molding. Now is the time to carefully trim away the excess pad and foam. Be very careful during this process. The pad must stay clipped under the molding for secure installation.
  5. The A pillar moldings may now be installed and then the sun visor moldings. Again use an exacto type blade to contour the ends of the pad that are exposed between the lower pad molding and the A pillar molding.